Elite Access Unmatched Savings
Instantly Unlock over $1500 in Exclusive Discounts
Picked by Students Like You
The free website gives you access to all the basic travel info and tips, as well as the ability to browse recommendations for all of our destinations. The elite membership unlocks exclusive features, like saving your favorite destinations, creating your own custom travel lists, and sharing your travel ideas with other members. Plus, you get access to nearly $2,000 in travel discounts on bars, restaurants, activities, tours, hotels, hostels and more!
When you become a GTG Elite member, you’ll gain access to a range of discounts—up to $2,000 in total savings. These discounts apply to all different stuff like restaurants, bars, hotels and activities. Once you're an Elite member, just browse through the offers, which can be redeemed either online or in person. If online, you can apply your unique code at checkout. Or if the discount is an in person type, it’s a very easy to redeem process from your phone!
The discounts are exclusive to premium members. However, the free version of the site still provides access to basic travel information, tips, and recommendations to help you plan your trips.
As an elite member, you can create personalized favorites lists, whether it's for your home city, budget travel ideas, or future trips you want to take! Simply log into your account, browse destinations, and click "Add to Favorites." You can then share your lists with other elite members, so you can get recommendations or plan group trips together!
Yes! With an elite membership, you can save and organize your favorite destinations, hotels, and activities. This way, you can easily revisit them when you’re ready to book or plan your next trip. It's perfect for keeping all your travel ideas in one place.
Upgrading is simple! Just go to gtgelite.com and you can create an account! Once you join, all the premium features and discounts will be unlocked instantly, and you’ll receive your membership card. You’ll be required to show this card when you arrive at the places you’ve used your coupon at as proof of membership.
After creating your lists, you can share them directly with other elite members by using the "Share" option. You can easily generate a link to share access to view or collaborate on your list with a friend.
At the moment, we don’t offer a free trial for the elite membership, but you can browse the site for free and explore all the basic features. If you decide to upgrade, you’ll gain access to all premium benefits immediately.
The GTG Elite membership lasts for the length of a semester so for Spring it’s January through the end of May. You can renew if you’ll be abroad longer. When you buy a membership it’s for the entire semester.
Yes! Our Elite membership gives you access to a wide range of travel discounts, adding up to nearly $2,000 in savings and the amount is growing as we are working hard to get more and more discounts daily. These discounts are curated specifically for student travelers, to all the places you want to be at, helping you save big on your trips.
Join our GroupMe to be the first to hear about new destinations added to our website, helpful travel tips, spotlights on cities and of course to hear about our newest coupons! If there is a destination you don’t see on our site, reach out to us! Since GTG Abroad is truly built on info we get from our amazing ambassadors, we don’t publish a new city until we feel confident that we are providing you with the best recs!
It depends on the business. Some have provided reusable discounts, while others may only allow one discount per booking. Make sure to check the terms and conditions of each offer before applying it. Also, be prepared to show your personal membership card upon arriving at your booking as proof of your Elite membership!
While we don't handle bookings directly, we connect you to trusted partners that provide booking services, where you can apply the discounts from your elite membership at checkout.
If you need assistance with your account, discounts, or any other feature, our support team is here to help! You can reach us via Instagram DM @gtgabroad or by emailing info@gtgabroad.com.